bet36365体育 is introducing a new program inviting alumni, faculty, staff, community members and other constituents to join the recruitment effort. Equipped with detailed instructions and a tool kit of materials, you can help encourage new students to choose the Loper life.
Put a frame, filter, cover or avatar image featuring bet36365体育 on your profiles. Like, follow and share content from the main bet36365体育 channels. Post memes and other graphics promoting bet36365体育. Images are available in the toolkit found on this page.
Connect with friends, neighbors, community members and others in your area. Share your bet36365体育 story and what made it a special experience. Inform others of the exciting things happening at bet36365体育.
Connect directly with prospective students. Send an email or direct message via social media. Share links to key recruitment pages at bet36365体育 (see toolkit for suggestions). Offer to connect them with a bet36365体育 recruitment specialist or campus leader. Use the student referral form to share contact info so we can send them official bet36365体育 communication.
The community of Loper alumni and constituents are an integral part of our success. Students often connect with alumni for internships, job opportunities, mentoring, networking and more.
Now, we’re adding “influencer” to your role. You can help us grow through your outreach efforts to prospective students. You will paint the region blue and gold and shine a bright spotlight on the University of Nebraska at Kearney.
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