Enacts and monitors the status of Senate recommendations and serves as a liaison with the University administration. Meets regularly with the Administration. Acts as a committee on behalf of the Senate when immediate action is required. Reviews Senate Committee minutes for items requiring Faculty Senate action. Prepares responses to Senate directions. Prepares and distributes the agenda for Senate meetings. Presents to the Senate an annual report of the Chancellor’s Strategic Planning Committee activities for comment by the Senate. During September, when the committees are convened, the Executive Committee member assigned to convene the committee shall review the role and purpose of that committee and present any charges that the Faculty Senate President has given to that committee, particularly those related to implementing the Annual Plan of Action presented by the Faculty Senate President at the Fall Convocation.
Academic Affairs Committee Serves as a safeguard against needless curricular duplication of courses and programs by: a) receiving notification of undergraduate courses and programs of study after they have been approved by the curriculum committee of the undergraduate college, (b) reviewing course proposals in intercollegiate and multidisciplinary areas within the University, and (c) making specific policy proposals for curriculum development and coordination to educational policy committees of the undergraduate colleges. Proposes policy statements for University-wide academic issues. Maintains liaison with the Graduate College so as to coordinate undergraduate and graduate curricula and programs. Reviews actions taken by the General Studies Council. Considers any other academic question as directed by the Faculty Senate or the Senior Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs.
Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee Acts on matters of general policy concerning academic freedom and tenure, pursuant to Section 4.15 of the By-Laws of the Board of Regents. The Committee will have oversight responsibilities to ensure that University-wide rank and tenure standards and procedures are applied uniformly by the undergraduate colleges. The Chair, in conjunction with the Chair of the Grievance Committee, the Chair of the Professional Conduct Committee, and the President of the University of Nebraska at Kearney Education Association, shall receive and review issues relative to academic freedom, tenure, professional conduct, and grievances and decide on the appropriate Faculty Senate Standing Committee to which to refer the issues.
Serves as the bet36365体育 Teaching, Learning, and Technology Roundtable that advises administration and faculty, shares information, coordinates plans, and suggests means for using technology to improve teaching and learning. Reviews and makes recommendations to the office in charge of bet36365体育 Online on policies, programs, and practices to ensure that they are consistent with the educational mission of the University and the entities it serves. The committee also advises the University administration on the formulation and implementation of Library policy.
Artists and Lecturers Committee Develops and supervises a program of events in support of the academic and cultural objectives of the University.
Athletic Committee Reviews and makes recommendations on Department of Intercollegiate Athletics policies, programs, and practices to ensure that they are consistent with the educational mission of the University and that they are supportive of student athletes in their academic as well as athletic endeavors.
Reviews and provides timely prospective advice to the administration concerning the university’s annual budgets, the processes used to determine them, and their potential impact on the academic missions of the university.
Faculty Welfare Committee Advises the bet36365体育 Faculty Senate and the authorized professional negotiating organization on all matters concerned with faculty personnel policies including faculty workloads, conditions of employment, remuneration, salaries, and fringe benefits unless such matters are specifically assigned to the professional negotiating organization.
Grievance Committee Conducts hearings and makes recommendations in accordance with the grievance procedure stated in the Section 4.14 of the Board of Regents By-Laws and in the negotiated agreement. The Chair, in conjunction with the Chair of the Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee, the Chair of the Professional Conduct Committee, and the President of the bet36365体育EA, shall receive and review issues relative to academic freedom, tenure, professional conduct, and grievances and decide on the appropriate Faculty Senate Standing Committee to which to refer the issues.
Oversight Committee Oversees the implementation of the Faculty Senate Constitution and By-Laws in order to ensure that the basic operational principle of the Faculty Senate as specified in the Constitution Preamble is upheld throughout its various functions. Conducts periodic and/or requested reviews for consideration. Organizes and monitors the election processes of all Senate seats and standing committee seats as required by the Faculty Senate Constitution. Prepares and distributes, following the regularly scheduled Faculty Senate annual elections, the annual Faculty Senate Roster identifying Senators, members of Faculty Senate Standing and Ad Hoc Committees, and Senate representatives to university/administrative committees.
Professional Conduct Committee Acts in matters of alleged professional misconduct, pursuant to Section 4.14 of the Board of Regents By-Laws. The Chair, in conjunction with the Chair of the Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee, the Chair of the Grievance Committee, and the President of the bet36365体育EA, shall receive and review issues relative to academic freedom, tenure, professional conduct, and grievances and decide on the appropriate Faculty Senate Standing Committee to which to refer the issues.