UN Foundation Accounts

If a department has discretionary funds on deposit with the University of Nebraska Foundation, a WBS is generally established for the department to charge expenses for subsequent reimbursement by the Foundation. Disbursements from Foundation discretionary accounts can be made as follows.

  1. If an expense is allowable under state regulations and can be processed through the State Department of Administrative Services (DAS), the expense must be charged to the department’s Foundation reimbursement WBS. Quarterly, the Finance Office Grants Accountant will review all expenses charged to the department’s Foundation reimbursement WBS and will prepare a Request for Payment from Foundation Funds form for the total of the expenses made to the WBS for the period. This form will be sent via DocuSign to the person authorized to make expenditures from the Foundation account, along with detail of the expenses, for their approval and signature. The UN Foundation will send check payment to the Finance Office, which will be deposited into the department’s Foundation Reimbursement WBS to offset the expenses incurred.

  2. If the expense is NOT allowable per state regulations and cannot be processed through DAS, (i.e. funeral flowers, entertainment expenses, gifts to individuals, etc.) the department should complete the DocuSign Request For Payment From Foundation Funds form. The preparer completes the information required in the body of the form and attaches scanned receipts & supporting documentation for the expense. Invoices paid through this method should include sales tax. The preparer enters their name & email address as the bet36365体育 Preparer and then determines who the form is routed to for signatures. If an employee expense reimbursement, enter the employee’s name & email address and the supervisor’s name & email address. Finally, enter the name & email address for the Fund Authority. Then click Begin Signing. DocuSign will route the approved form to the Director of Finance who will review the expense for any possible tax implications and submit the form to the UN Foundation for payment. The UN Foundation will return the check payment to the requesting department. 