General Education Renewal 2004-2009
To improve quality of the General Education Program, and to follow guidelines set by the university's accrediting agency (NCA), bet36365体育 is undergoing a renewal of its General Studies curriculum and assessment.
- Ratification Vote
Full Ratification Schedule and Calendar (.pdf)
- March 27 - Proposal sent via email to all faculty and on GE website
- April 14 & 15 - Open faculty / staff forum 4:00pm COPH 140
- April 17 - Faculty online survey opens 8:00am
- April 24 - Faculty online survey closes 5:00am
- April 30 - All general faculty input due
- May 1 to May 7 5:00pm - Online ratification vote
- FAQs about Renewal (.pdf)
- Faculty Survey Results (.pdf)
- NCA Report
- HLC-NCA Status Report 2011
- HLC-NCA Visit 2008
- Roundtable Discussions
- Phase I - Learning Goals
- Phase II - Curriculum
- GS Roundtables: Assessment Data
- Curriculum Models Considered
- Renewal Sources, Conferences and Reference Materials
- Renewal Process Timeline
- Spring 2009: faculty discussions of learning outcomes and the renewed curriculum
- 2009-2010 Academic Year: departments submit proposed courses for the new General Studies program
- Fall 2010: implementation of new General Studies program
- April 30, 2011: status and compliance report due to NCA